Given the Real World circumstances I’ve whined about repeatedly, this page ended up being a lot simpler than I’d originally intended (in fact, I forgot the pattern on Bridget’s skirt) but you know what? Who cares? IT’S BRIDGET AND ALPHONSE! REJOICE!

Griping about details aside, I really do love this page, I think leaving the “pictures” in pencil and using a grayscale scan for that part turned out very well. Also, I love what we can see of Bridget’s expression. There’s just something indescribably cute about the notion that someone as awesome as Bridget could still feel insecure next to someone as meek and timid as Alphonse (as also seen here).

Well, as always, updates resume as usual Tuesday!

(Historical Notes: I dunno, Past Me.  I still don’t like how you can see the obvious copy/paste borders on Bridget’s drawing.  I clearly learned nothing from those Christmas comics.  Also, the “seen here” bit is supposed to link to that one Voting Incentive where the Caligaris are all on the beach and Alphonse’s sand castle is way nicer than Bridget’s lump.  Maybe I’ll remember to go back and put the link in… but then, I’m pretty sure that original link had actually been dead for years.  If I didn’t remember to fix it back then, the odds of remembering now are slim indeed.)