See? See? In SOME ways, it’s exactly what you guys were expecting, but NOBODY guessed the completely out of nowhere introduction of voice commands and speech pattern recognition and what have you! Technobabble: it’s always there for you when you’re looking for a needless plot complication!

So, once again I feel the need to complain that the page isn’t as finished as I’d have liked. I wanted to splatter a few more layers of effects around Megaweapon make his roller coaster of emotions even more obvious than it already is, but… well, real life’s been a bit roller-coaster like lately, and I had a whole lot of distractions keeping me from working on this page. Not the least of which was getting locked out of my building for a few hours this afternoon. FUN.

But enough about that, The Killer Station of Deadly Doom! As long as we’re talking about people guessing stuff, at least one clever reader deserves extra credit for TOTALLY nailing the latest Voting Incentive! I’m so proud of ya’ll!