Really, it’s amazing that Avatar’s even entertained another course of action for THIS long.

I’m kinda scrambling to get as many pages finished before Katsucon as I can, so not many other remarks for now. Only that, from now on, we’re only going to see the OTHER side of the nanite incubator. I HATE drawing that Not-Control Panel, and it never comes out the same way twice. BOOOOO.

As always, there’s a new page of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom waiting for you if you vote on TWC! Things are getting REALLY interesting now, if I do say so myself.

Also interesting, the FAQ topic on the forum. I know, I won’t shut up about it. Don’t worry, I’m actually writing up the actual FAQ at the moment (when I can carve out the time, that is) but you can still toss a question into the mix!

EDIT: You know, I kind of wish I’d thought to do some kind of Valentine’s Day page… but I’ve got too much to do already. Oh well, maybe next year.