SOMEWHAT less late this time, but I think it was worth the wait. I really like how this one turned out, and not JUST because Megaweapon gets some richly deserved punishment. The action poses turned out very dynamic without… much… okay, it’s mainly because I got to draw Megaweapon getting hit in the face. Serves him right, little snot.

There’s also a new Voting Incentive, though I have something a little embarrassing to confess. You know that page that went online Friday? Yeah, that was supposed to be TODAY’S. See, I had all my rough drafts of the Station of Deadly Doom pages in a big pile, and apparently some of the sheets got out of order. Just to show how hectic last week was, I never noticed that I’d skipped a page until AFTER I’d inked, edited, and posted the wrong one. Thankfully, it only took some minor re-writing to make the “missing” page fit after the last one rather than before it. Never a dull moment, folks.

Oh, and just a reminder: the FAQ topic is still up on The Forum! Just throwin’ that out there!