THERE WE GO! All colored and everything! In case you missed it, Conventional Wisdom threw things off so bad this week that I had to put up a rough line-art version of this page on Friday. Well now we have the final, finished version… and I still had to skimp on details like background and stuff. Oh well, at least Megaweapon’s green again.

Still, I like this comic. It’s funny to see little Avatar be The Older One in this interaction, and it’s also kind of nice to have a reminder that even a wiz-kid like Trigger is still fallible.

OH! And the new Voting Incentive is finally up! So go vote for that, too!

(Oh, just for the record, I originally planned to delete this whole page and load a new one, but I didn’t want to loose all these cool comments. I’m quite lucky to have such witty, intelligent people reading my silly little cartoons)

(Historical Notes: Yeah, far be it from me to every do ANYTHING that would divorce these comics form their SmackJeeves comments.  They’ll be permanently joined to each other FOREVER! …okay, technically the old comment sections on Smackjeeves are all still there, though for whatever reason all the Guest Accounts lost their names in favor of a generic “guestuser” placeholder)