Ho ho ho! God bless us every one! And all that good stuff!

I hope you’ve all enjoyed this year’s extravaganza. To be totally honest, I’m a tad frustrated, if only because things aren’t as polished as I’d have liked. I kinda went and started a new job right around the time when I expected to start drawing these, so all of December has been a frantic attempt to stay caught up. Thus, corners were cut (heck, even this page is lacking a lot of shading and details I would have included if I had more time)

What REALLY frustrates me, though, is how I don’t have anything extra to offer special for today. The plan had been to unveil any number of new stuff for the site today, but there simply wasn’t time to get any of it ready. I mean, I still haven’t even found time to add the Can of Beard shirt to the merchandise page. Well, for those of you wondering, the update was supposed to include some tweaks to the layout, a bunch of new Pandora Radio stations, and a MASSIVE overhaul of the Cast pages that’s been overdue for a while (it’s why the “still moving in” disclaimer hasn’t gone away yet). Oh well, maybe next month.

At the very least, I DID manage to update the Voting Incentive gallery, so if anybody needs to get caught up on The Killer Station of Deadly Doom, now’s the time… but really, you could have done that any just by fiddling with the photobucket address. So, yeah, not much of a gift…

But hey, I still like this page. Big cast drawing like this tend to get unwieldy and cramped as I keep adding extra people, and sometimes I have to do weird stuff to make everyone visible. In this case, it gave birth to Tax pushing Megaweapon’s hair out of the way, which I think is the funniest thing in the comic… and I think the dialog’s pretty dang funny (“electric boogaloo” is funny in ANY context)

Well, normal updates resume Tuesday, and HOPEFULLY will continue without delay. I say “hopefully” because I kind of scored a much longer Christmas vacation than I expected, and as I write this I don’t actually have enough pages finished to cover my absence. HOPEFULLY I’ll be able to crank out enough to keep very thing rolling, but if not you’ll read about it here.

And once again, Merry Christmas!