Seriously, he isn’t even technically IN this page and it STILL makes me despise him. AND DON’T GO SAYING IT’S MY OWN FAULT FOR MAKING DO ALL THESE THINGS, THAT’S NOW HOW THIS CREATIVE PROCESS WORKS!

The saddest thing is the implication that this isn’t the first brick Jenna’s received for Christmas…

(Historical Notes: This easily got the most reactions of any Christmas comic that year, and rightly so.  Also, I alluded to this elsewhere, but I’ll go ahead and point out here that Jenna’s hair still doesn’t have that little cowlick bit yet.  I struggled for a while to come up with a hairdo that was sufficiently plain enough to fit her character, yet still had enough identifying marks to work from an artistic standpoint.  A major character can’t be TOO plain, because I need a few obvious trademarks to keep that character recognizable in whatever weird form the latest page requires.  That one cowlick in the bangs would eventually be the one bit of flair Jenna’s design needed to really click.  There, has talking about hair for a bit sufficiently distracted you from how depressing this comic is?)