I’m kind of frustrated with this one. I love the art itself, but I horribly botched the dimensions. Thus, I had to make the page too big and the drawings too small for everything to fit… and it all had to be on one page. I just couldn’t see the cutting back and forth working if spread across two pages.

Still, like I said, I love the drawings themselves. I didn’t expect this, mostly because Tax is the designated embodiment of cuteness for the story, but Stilez is ADORABLE in this comic.

OH! And if you squint real hard (told you the pictures were scaled down too small) is seems Tax has received a Can of Beard T-shirt. Wouldn’t it be great if there were actually a place you could go and buy such a thing?

(Historical Notes: Oh, This page turned out ALL wrong, layout-wise.  Not only is the paper mess even more distracting than usual, but you can see that I SEVERELY misjudged how much size the drawings would take.  In my defense, I was still drawing most Far Out There comics all on one page at this point, so it shouldn’t be surprising that I was even worse at judging these things than I am now.  Still, it’s especially annoying because those Stilez drawings really did turn out fantastic.)