Another page I really like. Dang, I’m on a roll lately! I love how the layout for this turned out, even if it does kinda look like the Plan 9 from Outer Space poster (or is it BECAUSE of that). And, of course, Trigger’s just so gosh darn cute. Again, it’s something I borrowed blatantly from somewhere else (in this case, Nene getting her “distinctive” hairstyle criticized in Digimon: Xros Wars) but how many of you would even have known that if I hadn’t mentioned it?

Also, I kind of caught myself by surprise with the suggestion that Trigger actually cut his hair short at some point. I guess that old voting incentive pic is actually cannon now, huh?

(Historical Notes: Gotta add this page to the list of links I need to go back and add once I have the new Incentive gallery set up)

I DO have one thing to nitpick, though. Avatar’s face just refused to turn out right in the last panel. She needed to have her mouth open wide to sell the yelling bit, but… I dunno, she kept looking like a fish. Big giant gaping maw. I dunno why it gave me so much trouble that one time.

Oh, and speaking of big giant gaping mouths, Thanksgiving is upon us! If all goes as planned, I should be back down in North Carolina for the rest of the week, but updates shouldn’t be interrupted *knock on wood* Better yet, SPECIAL HOLIDAY PAGE ON THURSDAY! So be sure to tune in for that!

And, as always, Voting Incentive!