Dang, when did I get so snobbish about TV and pop culture? When I moved into an apartment without a TV and started getting all my media directly from the internet? Naw, I’m pretty sure it started before that…

Anyway, how ’bout that massive blast of snarky satire up there? That’s the closest thing we’ve had to a wall of text in a while. By the way, we’ve heard of Maureen Phaedo a few times before, but those other names are new. Because, you know, this comic really didn’t have enough of a pop cultural mythos lurking in the background.

As always, there’s a new voting incentive for those who vote for Far Out There on TWC, and this is a great time to get caught up on that story, since I’ve restocked the incentive gallery! If you haven’t been voting, so see what you’ve missed!

Also, if you’re been paying attention to the page count, you know we’re on the verge of something kinda important!

(Historical Notes: Oh, shut up about being a snob about TV, guy who openly made references to The Office and The Tonight Show just a few years before this.  Anyway, I was clearly feeling bad about not making use of the TV screens earlier, because MAN that’s a lot of world building at once.  Technically, this isn’t the first time Castral & Iconal have been mentioned, just the first time anyone’s actually heard about it.  They were characters in that very, very, VERY first arc of Far Out There that’s currently locked down behind Photobucket’s blurry walls.  I think I’m gonna repost that whole arc in the new Incentive & Patreon Gallery… whenever I can get around to that.)