…well, I think it’s pretty safe to say that nobody expected events to go in THIS direction… unless you’e DrunkDuck reader taltamir, in which case you’re the one who gave me the idea in the first place. Yep, right there the comments of page 60 (the one that introduced the whole idea of Rheiko) this very twist was speculated on a whole year ago. I’d never even considered such a connection before then, and I’ve been looking for a chance to do something with it ever since.

…of course, the very fact that I DIDN’T think of it before, coupled with Avatar’s expression in that last panel, could lead one to believe that our top-hatted friend might not be entirely on the ball here. (Speaking of which, LOOK! I DID find a way to do more that character!)

And if this isn’t enough Avatar for you, be sure to vote and check out a pretty darn old doodle!