Sorry about the lack of backgrounds on this page. I kind of miscounted the number of pages I’d need to adequately cover the whole moving thing, and had to pound this one out in a hurry at the last minute.

Speaking of which, I SHOULD be settled in up in DC by this point, but wanted one extra page done in advance just in case. Thus, there MIGHT be a new Voting Incentive… or not. Once again, I honestly don’t know as I write this. Feel free to vote and find out, though!

(Historical Notes: Much in the same spirit as Trigger forbidding Jenna to speak of Megaweapon, I will try and forbid myself from going on and on about how bad my time in DC went… largely because I’m already going off on whole rants in the notes to Conventional Wisdom from this same period, and there’s no need to do it on two fronts at once.  Also, “forbidden” is an unusually fancy word for Trigger to be using.  He must have looked it up and practiced a lot.)