I love stuff like this. Cap’n Crosby’s generally all about being a tough, crusty ol’ sea dog (space dog?) Who knew he was a big softie where Avatar was concerned? …or that Avatar apparently can be talked into anything by the guy?

Well, anyway the moving madness is officially underway by this point, meaning that this post your reading was written a while in advance. Thus, I have to say something very awkward: I honestly have NO IDEA if there’s a new Voting Incentive for you or not. As I write this, I certainly HOPE I can get a new one online, but things are already getting so crazy that I can’t guarantee anything. Worse, even if there isn’t one up NOW, there may still be a fresh one going up sometime before these pre-loaded pages run out. So really, the only option here is to vote EVERY DAY just to make sure something new hasn’t appeared.

…which should be no problem, since you guys all vote every day already, right?