Behold, Flanderization at work. When first introduced, Blip seemed relatively coherent, and capable of carrying on reasonable conversation with people. Sure, he seemed to enjoy loud things, but that was just a personality quirk. Now, he’s basically GIR. Not that GIR isn’t awesome, it’s just that those early pages look kind of weird now (well, weirder than usual)

Speaking of looking weird, CRAP! I forgot to give Ichabod a “static-y” speech bubble in the first panel!

Oh, and I did, if fact, manage to get a new Voting Incentive done last night (and it’s pretty dang awesome, if I do say so). I’m still not sure if I’ll be able to keep new ones coming over the next few weeks, but I AM happy to report that I will definitely have enough Real Pages done to cover the move. So who knows?