Well, whadaya know? A cute, subdued Megaweapon! Too bad it won’t last long. (That doesn’t count as a spoiler, does it? I mean, we should all take it as a given that Megaweapon will get mean and violent again once he wakes up a bit, right? If not… uh, there you go)

Speaking of cute, we’ve reached the climax of the Voting Incentive comic, so go vote and check it out!

And speaking of THAT, I have to decide what to do next for Voting Incentives, and I want YOU to drop by The Forum and give me your opinion! Seriously, please give me some feedback there (not that I don’t really enjoy having conversations in the comment section, but it’ll be a lot easier on me if all the feedback on this is in one spot)

EDIT: So, DrunkDuck is down again (understandable, considering that they’re fleeing their old server like an abusive boyfriend) so some of the images aren’t working again. I HAVE fixed the new Voting Incentive, though, you you can at least see that.

(Historical Notes: Is this the first recorded instance of Layla’s Big Sister Instinct kicking in for a little boy other than Trigger?)