Oh wow, did THIS ever take a long time to finish. Heck, I didn’t even get STARTED on this page until around 11. But then, after busting my hump getting all the Katsucon pages of Conventional Wisdom up, it really doesn’t FEEL all that late to me. That’s… not good. 3:30 AM should feel late no matter what you’re doing.

But yeah, that Conventional Wisdom update is also why there hasn’t been any new voting incentives recently, but fear not! There’s a BIG incentive surprise coming soon, so brace yourselves!

…I guess I should actually remark on the comic itself at least a little, huh? Well, you can always tell when I’ve been reading Yotsuba&! ‘cos that’s when people start making REALLY interesting expressions.

(Historical Notes: I realized in the midst of this latest blast of comic reposting that Far Out There had actually lapped Conventional Wisdom, and I didn’t have the Katsucon 2011 comics up for me to post a link to yet.  I somehow decided it would make more sense to drop everything over here and just do nineteen pages of THAT comic in the middle of all the ones I’m going over here… so that I could have the Katsucon link “right away.”  I really need to take a break and go lie down.)