Man, there are a LOT of running gags in this page. Have fun pouring over old, old pages to figure out where this stuff came from!

Anyway, assuming nothing horrible has happened, I should be off to Katsucon by the time you read this (I’m writing all this Monday night). And if you happen to be reading this comic right now BECAUSE of something that happened at Katsucon… my deepest apologies.

(Historical Notes: Yeeeeeeees, THIS is how you make use of having a TV screen in the comic, Past Me!  Don’t just fill up a chunk of wall with random whatever, actually use the opportunity to reestablish some bits of worldbuilding!  This is ALSO how I like to see references to real world properties handled.  The Doctor Who reference is fun if you catch it, but it’s just a little bonus rather than anything essential to the joke of the page.  You get a gold star, Past Me! …now learn how to draw faces from the side.)