What’d I tell you? A lesser leading lady would probably be tramping around in her skivvies for all to see right now, but not our Layla! She’s FAR too classy for anything other than some tight close-ups. …though that would probably carry more weight if she weren’t preparing for some blatant gold digging.

As always, Layla’s endless array of expressions make the page work. Actually, this one is so dependent on said expressions that it was kind of a pain to finish. I spent WAY too long nitpicking little details, and while I love the result, it was still pretty aggravating to still be picking away at stuff at 1:30 am.

If you wanna see something that DIDN’T go through any artistic nitpicking whatsoever, check out this meme thinggie I did with the cast of Far Out There

OH! And I’m finally getting prompt with the new voting incentives again! Check it out!

(Historical Notes: I should actually try doing meme things like that more often, at least as long as it’s music related like that.  It was fun, and I’ve got an even more massively large music collection now than I did a decade ago.  I mean, just look at all the character soundtracks!  There’s also something to be said about some unintentional consequences of Layla’s plan, but I’ll save it for a little later.)