Because Layla suddenly disappearing (after someone mentioning that he comes from a rich family, no less) can’t POSSIBLY mean anything bad, right? …RIGHT? Well, I guess it’s better than Megaweapon disappearing without a trace. Moderately so, at least.

…yeah, I’m kind of struggling to come up with stuff to say about this one, mainly because I’m getting into that “Oh Crap, There’s A Con Coming Up, I Gotta Get Stuff Done” mode for Katsucon. That, or my mind is still slightly blown by Evangelion 2.0, or both.

(Historical Notes: Okay, at least here I’m TRYING to make use of the presence of the screen by giving Maureen and Sandy another cameo, even if it’s so roughly doodled that you probably wouldn’t have recognized them if I hadn’t pointed it out.)