This is a little mystifying to me. See, I wasn’t terribly happy with how Tuesday’s page turned out, which I mostly blamed on the fact that i pounded it out during spare moments while on the road. But that’s also how THIS page was created, and I absolutely ADORE it. Everyone’s expressions turned out just right, I like the layout, and I didn’t even have to clean up too much of the inking!

…well, okay. Part of me DID feel bad about giving Layla so little space in the last panel, but that’s probably for the best. I think we’d be in real physical danger if we got any closer to her right now.

OH! And I FINALLY got a new voting incentive up. Big honking surprise on what it is…

(Historical Notes: Another instance where I’m really mad at Past Me for just sticking a generic picture on the screen rather than try and make SOME sort of joke out of it.  At some point down the line I actually had some variation of “Trees: The Show” to try and retroactively  make up for the missed opportunity here.)