Actually, I think this more a case of “Does Not Understand Sarcasm” than “Sarcasm Failure,” just in case we have any Tropers with a mind to correct me on this sort of thing. (One of these just makes a good page title, and one doesn’t)

This was a satisfying page to finish, but really awkward to write. See, writing is always easiest when I like the characters, but Kevin here… how can I put this nicely… Know what? Screw nicely: Kevin is dumb and annoying. Imagine AJ Soprano in space (if you’ve seen The Sopranos, that is) The end result is funny, yes, but it’s a little agonizing trying to get into the head of a character I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with.

(Historical Notes: Wow, there was a time in my life when I would randomly cite The Sopranos as an example of things.  There’s several levels on which that seems really, really weird now.)