Well, now we know why Blip and The Cap’n were playing Santa, the other guy seems to be having a little trouble.

Readers who pay way too much attention to things may notice that Stilez’s tail has suddenly sprouted stripes. The rest of you would never have caught that change if I didn’t mention it. I’d better shut up before I also point out that she’s missing those giant shoulder pad things… DANG IT! (One COULD argue that she couldn’t fit the jacket over them… if it wasn’t clear that you could fit three of her into that jacket and still have room)

(Historical Notes: Heck, even I’D not noticed that Stilez didn’t have stripes on her tail before.  Also, we can now claim that the lack of shoulder pads was less an oversight and more a transitional step towards her newer outfit.  Finally, this comic of course introduces an idea that would be revisited a year later…)