I’m just gonna come right out and say it: oversized clothes on undersized characters is neat. I don’t have any rationalization for this artistic predilection, it just gives me the happys when I draw it. In fact, this whole page gave the the giggles as I worked on it… and not just ‘cos I was watching Conan at the time, either.

However, I also have to acknowledge that Trigger is developing a concerning inability to keep his shirt on for any length of time. This is a dangerous precedent to be setting at such a young, impressionable stage. Sure, it seems innocent enough at first, but then you wake up one day and you’re Matthew McConaughey. THINK BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!

OH! And if you were too busy binge eating yesterday, be sure to go check out the special Thanksgiving page that went up… AND be sure to vote to see the OTHER Thanksgiving piece I almost used, too.

And as if that wasn’t enough holiday rigmarole, IT’S OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS TIME!!! Yes, Far Out There will be going into special, daily updates again this year, but it’ll be even BIGGER and BETTER than ever! Tune in Tuesday for more info!!!