This is the same attitude I have towards cars and hotel rooms at anime conventions: if it saves you money, just shut up and endure it!

Speaking of cons, though, I have a confession to make: I’d hoped to finish this page before leaving for AUSA, but that totally didn’t happen, so I had to shade/color it all Monday night. Between that and the massive Conventional Wisdom update that’s due this week, I just don’t have time for a new voting incentive. Sorry, guys, I REALLY hate to flake out on this AGAIN, but there’s just too much else to do. After Wednesday, when all the AUSA Conventional Wisdom pages are up, things’ll be calmer, so look for a new incentive Friday (feel free to keep voting in the mean time!)

On a happier note, though, I REALLY like this page. Looking over all the older pages as I get them onto Smack Jeeves forced me to realize just how sloppy my layouts have gotten since I quit doing rough drafts of pages (you know, panel size, position of characters, that sort of thing) I forced myself to go ahead and do this one twice, and it REALLY made a difference. Here’s hopping I can discipline myself enough to keep it up!

(Historical Notes: What I ACTUALLY wound up doing was, eventually, gradually, finally NOT DOING SO MANY CRAZY PSYCHEDELIC PANEL LAYOUTS IN THE FIRST PLACE.)