Okay, this page is a little less detailed than the past few weeks have been, and I apologize. I’d been making a conscious effort to get away from these Wall of Color backgrounds lately (if you need a reason, check out how it screws up the change in perspective in the last panel) but these are special circumstances. After nearly a week of nothing working, DrunkDuck suddenly became cooperative Wednesday night. I’m writing this VERY early Thursday morning after a marathon editing session to get this page loaded before anything messes up again. Thus, some details had to be sacrificed in the interest of speed.

Which brings me to an interesting point regarding this comic’s future. I suppose it’s a little premature (and immature) to bring this up NOW, but I’m currently in the process of setting up Far Out There on Smack Jeeves. With any luck, all the current pages will be up there by the end of the weekend. Now, for all you diehard Ducks (there must be a FEW), don’t worry. Even now, I’m not QUITE ticked off enough to ditch DD all together. I’m still going to be posting stuff on DD, they’ll just be mirrored over there as well. Should come in handy the next time everything blows up over here.

And speaking of THAT, I have a confession: in all the confusion, I totally forgot to make a new voting incentive this week. Granted, I don’t think this site was really worth voting for during that time anyway, but I still feel bad about it. To make it up to you, I’ll TRY to get TWO incentives done next week, so pay close attention to the notes (and vote a LOT to make sure you don’t miss anything!)

(Historical Notes: I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.  Who would ever have thought that a decade later The Duck would actually look MORE stable and reliable than SmackJeeves?  I mean, that’s comparative speaking, I wouldn’t for a second think of going back.  But still, I was totally convinced DD would wind up shutting down within a year at this point, and it’s still going… well, I don’t want to say “strong” but it’s absolutely still going.)