WHEW! I was a little afraid I wouldn’t be able to get this done in time, ‘cos it’s been one heck of a busy week (yeah, holiday “filler” indeed) But here we are, Halloween cosplay at its finest!

For those you you having trouble recognizing any of this, here’s a key for the costumes:

Trigger: Sora from Kingdom Hearts

Layla: Maka from Soul Eater (but those you who vote knew that already, right?)

Avatar: Gatomon (or Tailmon, if you prefer) from Digimon

Skye: Mugi from K-On! (specifically, the “Don’t Say Lazy” video)

Tabitha: Yeoman Rand from Star Trek (originally Uhura, until I realized the hair required Rand’s beehive)

Bridget: Chun-Li from Street Fighter II

Alphonse: Young Link from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

See? I TOLD you we’d still be seeing them! In fact, it nearly escaped me that, not counting voting incentives, this is the “official” debut of Bridget and Alphonse with full facial features. I gotta say, Alphonse in particular is ten times more fun to draw with the added range expression. Just LOOK at that face!

(Historical Notes: Altering the zombie kids’ faces just might have been the single best choice I’ve ever made in my life.)