…and that’s it. Sadly, our jolly band of zombies and “eccentric” scientists are exiting the plot for real this time. I really REALLY tried to think of a reason to keep in the action longer, but all the plot arcs I have to follow this one up were written before I knew how much fun any of these characters would be, so I didn’t try to include them. Trying to wedge them in at the last minute would be… inadvisable, as would ditching my plans and trying to dream up a new plot at the last minute. Thus, Bridget, Alphonse, and The Caligaris will have to be content with Ensemble Darkhorse status rather than being true Breakout Characters.

…not that we won’t still be seeing them in SOME form, mind you. I mean, look how often Stilez and Tax manage to pop up! You can rest assured that this merry bunch will soon be appearing in… OOPS! Can’t go telling you about your Christmas present too soon, now, can I?

One thing that kinda bugs me about how this conclusion is shaping up, though: that comment about “the police” is a reference to Skye and Tabitha’s plan to get a bunch of the mad scientists arrested. Yeah, remember that plot point? Of course you don’t! That’s ‘cos I hadn’t mentioned it in about a year! Originally, one of the undercover cops was going to actually turn up and be part of the big conclusion. Unfortunately, it gradually dawned on me that there was already too much stuff going on in this plot, so I let the police angle fall by the wayside (that character is still in the background of a few pages, though). Admittedly, it DOES sort of make sense that Tabitha would avoid the cops now that she knows the most deadly thing at that convention was brought by her own Dad, but still…

Oh, and in retrospect, I wish the first panel had been bigger. Look! It’s SKY! How long has it been since we saw the SKY in the comic?

(Historical Notes: Oh look, a mention of Tabitha’s Mom!  I’m sure we’ll be be learning all there is to know about her VERY quickly, right?)