I actually got a little sad while I was finishing up this page, something I must say I was NOT prepared for. It’s not like I haven’t had characters say goodbyes before, but none I’ve been writing as long as Tabitha and the zombie kids. Granted, they haven’t QUITE finished up their role in this story, but this IS they last time they’ll be interacting with the main cast for a while.

…all the more reason to be exited that BRIDGET AND ALPHONSE FINALLY HAVE MERCHANDISE IN THE STORE!!! So go buy something with them on it, and you’ll NEVER miss them!

Speaking of characters who haven’t interacted with the main cast in a while, there’s a new voting incentive for you to check out! That’s right, I REFUSE to allow you to forget about ANY of these people, regardless of how little I use them!

Oh, and one more thing: Not Enough BBQ- *ahem* sorry, I mean “Steampunk Soirée” – just posted another guest comic by yours truly! Be encouraged to check it out!

(Historical Notes: Yep, another webcomic that doesn’t update anymore, although this one is TECHNICALLY the same as a previous one that was mentioned earlier.  Hope that I never mention YOUR comic in any of mine, because apparently that’s the kiss of death.)