Original note – Mar 21, 2008
Seriously, guys, I LOVE drawing busy skyline stuff like this. That’s kind of funny because, to be honest, I’m not that good at technical drawing at all. Straight lines are kinda hard.

Oh, and anyone who can correctly identify all three of the graffiti marks on the Candied Brains machine gets to call themselves awesome. That, and they win $3,596,745.67 Confederate Dollars.

(historical note: nobody ever did, so my Southern dollars remain safe)

(NEW Historical Note: This is actually a bit of a milestone for the comic.  It’s the first page that I randomly added to the line-up without any plan, just because I wanted to make up for something else.  In this case, I was disappointed by the previous scifi cityscapes and wanted a page that could really showcase the details.  There’s several lessons about giving pages room to breathe that I did NOT learn here.)