For future reference: do NOT screw with a nitpicker’s safety, because his superiors WILL find you!

In retrospect, I’m kind of sad we didn’t get to see more of Madam Ventricle and Kiki. Admittedly, this was by design, since neither of them were very important to this plot. Madam Ventricle was only here because Ichabod needed someone to work for, while Kiki was only thrown in because I needed a third person to talk in one page. But they turned out to be such fun that I’m really sorry I couldn’t make them more prominent. Oh well… at least we know that most people only work at conventions on a volunteer basis. These two must have real jobs, where we just might bump into them again!

Also, there’s a new TWC Voting Incentive for the week, and it WASN’T done at the last minute for once! Good thing, too, because I didn’t like my first draft and had to start over from scratch. It was worth it, though, because take 2 turned out FANTASTIC. Now that Fall’s beginning to make its presence felt, I thought you might appreciate one last trip to a warmer climate…

(Historical Notes: This has become a bit of a recurring theme over the course of Far Out There.  I’ll spend ages working out a character in advance, and then some random recurring extra will develop into somebody waaaay more interesting without my even meaning it to happen.  Just you wait until Astrid shows up and I can start talking about THAT conceptual roller coaster!)