So, this is going to make me laugh for a LONG time: Since Tuesday’s page went up, my hits have doubled. Seriously, the number of hits since half Trigger’s jumpsuit disappeared have been twice what they were last week. Apparently, shirtless boys = big business (we could probably call this The Eclipse Effect).

But enough about the last page, let’s talk about this one, ‘cos I’m REALLY happy with it. One of the biggest problems I’ve had since this mad scientist story began was juggling all the characters. Heck, on Tuesday I just plain forgot to draw Avatar, and that’s been happening a LOT. This time, though, I feel like it all worked. Not only did I manage to fit every active character into the page, but the interaction just turned out wonderfully. I love the little bits like Alphonse hanging close to Tabitha, or Avatar interrupting the technobabble with a translation, or Bridget just chilling with Layla on the sidelines. It’s all little stuff, but that’s usually the kind of thing I geek out over the most. Yay!