This was an interesting creative process to go through. As I’ve mentioned several times, I’m always looking for excuses to draw characters in new ways. I’ve been doing Tabitha and Skye pretty much the same since they first showed up, so it was high time I did SOMETHING different with them. Unfortunately, this plot hasn’t exactly provided many chances for them to slip off and change. Thus, the power room suddenly became unbearably hot, so that I could at least draw them with those jackets off. Hey, and you can even see Tabitha’s shirt clearly! (and now that you’ve seen the logo, GO BUY SOMETHING IT’S BEEN STUCK ON!)

But see, here’s the thing: I suddenly realized that I was imagining a page that boiled down to “two of the girls start undressing.” I promptly became uncomfortable with this idea. How could I go about it without looking like a sad, lonely creep who amuses himself by drawing young ladies in various states of undress? (I mean, I already run multiple webcomics, so I come off as sad and lonely no matter WHAT I do)

Then inspiration struck: If anime has taught me anything, it’s that fanservice magically turns into satire of fanservice if you pile on enough of it (SARCASM!) and now you’ve got shirtless Trigger to deal with. Well, at least the page itself turned out very well, if I may say so.

Now, if you LIKE Trigger in this condition, you LOVE the accompanying voting incentive for this week. If you DON’T… actually, you might like it even more.

(Historical Notes: I shouldn’t pat myself on the back for being clever here, seeing as how I’d eventually fall victim to something ELSE anime should have taught me: that eventually doing something “ironically” and doing something “for real” become interchangeable)