Because, clearly, what this story needed was MORE rooms bathed in a colorful glow. Well, at least this time it’s a color I really like. Plus, I’ve had really good luck with red light in the past.

Speaking of good luck, I blundered my way into some sweet accidents here. The first three panels are smaller than I intended, but it actually adds to the “cramped crawlspace” effect. Also, I didn’t place the characters very well, but that’s probably for the best since they cover up how bad the perspective was. And speaking of perspective, the fact that I TOTALLY botched Trigger’s posture (that really SHOULDN’T be physically possible) gave birth to the first real conversation he and Skye have had in a while. I should screw up like this more often!

Of course, even if I didn’t like the mistakes I made here (and I DON’T like how small Tabitha and Layla are in the last panel) I wouldn’t have had time to fix ’em. Once again, the page was only finished after a late night marathon scramble. See, I made the mistake of starting to read House of Leaves earlier this week. Well, that’s not really a mistake in and of itself (it’s flippin’ brilliant, after all) but once I get into reading something like this, it’s REALLY hard to pull myself away for anything else… which, given the context, is a rather disconcerting thing to say…

(Historical Notes: Somehow, the SmackJeeves posting of this page had the wrong links in the comments, and I managed to never notice before now.  Um… whoops?  Sorry to any past readers who got really confused?)