Well, it took a while, but I finally had to resort to this maneuver again.  If you’re visiting the site on (in my neck of the woods) early Tuesday morning, then the version of the page posted here is pretty obviously not the final draft.  Sorry, but it was another hectic couple of days, culminating in me spending Monday morning (when I would nromally be doing most of the heavy lifting of getting the page edited) dragging big piles of junk from the basement out across the yard to get hauled to the dump, all in the soupy Carolina summer air.  In other words, stuff wound up falling behind schedule.  Hopefully I’ll have the cleaned up and colored in version of the page done before the afternoon, but I’ve already been up a long time just to get it this far, so there’s a very real possibility of be getting hit with one of those “LOL NAP TIME NOW” blasts of exhaustion.  Better to go ahead and get what I have out there while I can than pushing my luck and possibly passing out without posting anything, right?

BUT WAIT!  In a shocking example of me actually getting something, ANYTHING finished, it turns out I posted a new Far Out There short story over on Patreon!  …and also a short public post to explain why this isn’t a part of that OTHER Far Out There story that I really am still working on.  But yeah, if you’re a $2 or higher patron, there’s already some extra Far Out There content waiting for you!  And if you’re not already… could you please?  Times are tough all over, and I could really use the extra couple of bucks.

If not, though, there should also be the usual TWC Voting Incentive going on Friday.  THAT only costs you an extra click or two.

EDIT: HOW DID THAT TAKE SO LONG?!?!?!?!?  And I never even stopped to take that nap… which I’m totally gonna do right now.  OH!  But just in case anybody coming in late wants to see what the WIP version was like, here ya go.

6/28 EDIT: BOOM!  New TWC Incentive is up!